Welcome to ZEISS-iCeMS Innovation Core


The Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) at Kyoto University aims to leverage technology and drive transdisciplinary research to understand biological and chemical events at the submicron scale. The iCeMS Analysis Center focuses on adapting existing and developing new instrumentation for bioimaging, providing intensive support for researchers to acquire data using forefront microscopies. Over the years, the iCeMS Analysis Center and Carl Zeiss Microscopy have been working on the joint development of bioimaging techniques.

To further strengthen the collaboration for innovative research using state-of-the-art bioimaging technologies, iCeMS and Carl Zeiss Microscopy cosigned a partnership agreement and launched a new bioimaging center named ‘ZEISS-iCeMS Innovation Core’ on the Main Campus of Kyoto University.

The central focus of the Core is on high- and super-resolution fluorescent microscopies for live-imaging. We provide hands-on training for academic researchers regardless of affiliation.
